Health insurance - The Most Efficient Way to Protect Your Health
Nairi Team
Why is it important to have health insurance today? Health insurance is essential today as it provides coverage for the costs associated with illness and medical treatment. Health insurance plans typically encompass medical consultations, lab tests, diagnostic exams, and various medical services and interventions. By having health insurance, you can access the necessary medical care when needed, without the burden of high out-of-pocket expenses.
Experience shows that in countries with a well-established health insurance culture, the effectiveness of treating various diseases is significantly higher. Health insurance is the most effective means of protecting your health because it encourages proactive care. Many individuals avoid annual preventive check-ups, believing them to be unnecessary and an unjustified expense. However, medical examinations often reveal underlying health issues even in the absence of symptoms. The earlier a disease is detected, the easier and more effective the treatment is, ultimately leading to better health outcomes.
Having health insurance guarantees some financial protection. You don’t end up in a situation where you urgently need to pay a huge amount of money for medical services, but you don’t know where to get the money from. It helps maintain financial stability and avoid unexpected crises.
Health insurance also plays a key role in maintaining psychological well-being by offering peace of mind. Knowing that necessary medical care is accessible in the event of an unexpected health issue, without straining the family budget, helps reduce stress and fosters a sense of security.
With health insurance, you gain access to top-tier medical services at renowned healthcare centers, 24/7 medical consultations, and a dedicated support assistant. This professional not only helps guide you in choosing the right medical services but also coordinates the process, ensuring the quality of care and a smooth experience throughout.
Many people often confuse travel insurance with health insurance, commonly requesting "health or medical insurance" when speaking to an agent. While travel insurance does cover emergency medical assistance during trips abroad, it serves a different purpose. For instance, it does not cover preventative check-ups or ongoing medical care in another country. Travel insurance is designed to protect against unforeseen health issues or emergencies while traveling, but it’s distinct from comprehensive health insurance, which offers broader coverage. Ultimately, having insurance—whether health or travel—greatly enhances safety and helps manage risks more effectively.